Monday, February 15, 2010

Step 1...

COMPLETE!! I passed the first step to training for a 10K; I needed to be able to run 30 minutes without stopping. The wonderful thing for me was that I still felt like I could keep going :), motherhood called though and that is number 1!!
Now on to Step 2 which is a 10 week training schedule! A goal of mine is to get back to 6 minutes per mile. I don't think that is unrealistic so we'll see if I'm crazy or not!
Happy exercising!


Jon, Kristin, and the kiddos said...

Hey! Guess what my friend! I just passed the test this morning myself! YAY!!! I believe you can definitely get yourself to a six min mile!

Park avenue said...

This is GREAT ladies! And remember, anyone can do this, this could be a big old family affair!!

I ran with my group this morning with the "couch to 5K" training week 2 then on the odd days I'm truckn along with my own runs that aren't quit 30 min. but I'm getting there folks!

Kristin, are you interested in coming up this May for a 5K?

Jon, Kristin, and the kiddos said...

I'm not sure if I'll be able to come up for the 5K in May or not. I'll definitely keep you updated! :)