Friday, March 5, 2010

Great Job Jon!

I just wanted to say awesome job to Jon! Last night, despite the big snowflakes that were coming down, he ran 8.7 miles in 1hr and 50 mins straight! (And his route included some good hills too!) His original goal was to run a 7 mile route he had planned, but he surpassed it! Great job!!! The furthest he had ran straight before was 5 miles. He did a wonderful job!


Park avenue said...

HOLY SHIN SPLINTS BATMAN!! That's crazy but a good crazy! Jon, are you doing the 1/2 or full marathon with the rest of us? If not I think Kristin you should sign him up because that's the kind of motivation we need out there pushing us along. GO TEAM WILLIAMS!

JoshandMegs said...

That is so awesome dude! What did you do to make kristin so mad that she chased you for 8.7 miles?